The Last of Us Part II is a 2020 action-adventure game developed by Naughty Dog and published by Sony Interactive Entertainment for the PlayStation 4 . Set five years after The Last of Us (2013), the game focuses on two playable characters in the post-apocalyptic United States whose lives intertwine: Ellie, who sets out for revenge after suffering a tragedy, and Abby, a soldier who becomes involved in a conflict between her militia and a religious cult. The game is played from the third-person perspective and allows the player to fight human enemies and cannibalistic zombie-like creatures with firearms, i mprovised weapons, and stealth. Release After the success of the critically acclaimed “The Last Of Us “ which was the "game of the year" in 2013, Naughty dog released its sequel “The Last Of Us Part 2” in the midst of the pandemic in 2020. Though Naughty Dog is known for their incredibly detailed games like the uncharted series, they couldn’t keep up with the first im...